Pondering Balance

Pondering Balance

When we deal with problems, there is discomfort. The emotions or mental states that surface, might in those so disposed, bear a tone of fear or distress. There is a possibility that the predominant valence of our cogitations is, at least partly, determined by the occurrence as well as recall of past experiences. If we think about it, occurrence is always a continuum whereas recall is current. That makes recall an important consideration because it is temporally localized and amenable at least to some extent of being conferred a specific weightage. Any weightage that gets assigned to an instance of recall is possibly a phased process. The initial color is likely reflexive and then based on how we are predisposed, the recall is maneuvered. The final tone, it might appear, is a matter of competing values.

Hence, recall seems to be closely linked with values. If our value system is coherent, sound and comprehensive, the valence of our processing, while fluctuant could contribute positively to how we handle what we might be experiencing. Interestingly, if this happens, then the stream of experiencing itself might very well be open to our making.

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